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Application processing solution developed by CRIF, for automated management of the process of assessing the creditworthiness of a Customer. CRIF Solution HUB is desigend to speed up and improve credit decisions for consumer and business customer on-boarding and lending. The solution gives the possibility to integrate the most relevant data sources as well as integrating performing scoring models and decision strategies, adjusted according to the market conditions. CRIF Solution HUB customers range in type and size including large to small banks, third party companies, consumer finance, automotive and leasing companies as well as telecoms and utilities. They have chosen the convenience of a service to focus on their own core competencies and rely on CRIF to manage the technicalities; as a result they are up and running fast while keeping expenses under control with you-pay-as-you-go pricing. The service is provided as decisioning-as-a-service; it has been expressly designed exploiting the CRIF’s worldwide experience and provides best-in-class processes that can be activated with low upfront investment and no IT constraints. CRIF Solution HUB application processing service provides real time decisions according to pre-determined policies and includes:
 - Web front end for end users or documented A2A interface for technical integration with customer system; - Built-in integration with credit bureau and other external data sources, included all Verification services; - Integrated best in class credit bureau scoring - Solid IT infrastructure hosted by CRIF granting high security levels and full reliability