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Banks and Finance Institute

Credit Information Reporting

The Credit Bureau Platform CRIF KAX offers to the Uzbek Market is not simply a Credit Bureau, rather, it represents the state of the art in business solutions for credit bureau systems, as well as...
CRIF Credit Bureau Score is a standardized, objective and transparent risk measure that allows to compare customers’ risk across different credit portfolios on the Uzbekistan Market. The score...
The Portfolio Advisor (or Alerting Tool) , allows CB users to be informed about changes in the profile of their customers, thanks to an event driven logic. With this tool users will obtain the list...
The monitoring tools , something that will definitely clarify the differences with other players. Lenders have relied only on the knowledge they have of their own clients: this is logical and...

Credit Management Solutions

Decision Management with StrategyOne StrategyOne Release your organization from the inflexibility and high costs of having hard-coded rules dispersed throughout your systems and embrace an...
Credit Risk Score development Data management to extract value from data businesses need solutions to help them extract, align and distil what’s important and quickly determine analytical...
The collection system "Contact" solves the problem of software for the operational process of the unit working with distressed assets. The system is designed to optimize the work of the company's...
Managing end-to-end loan application processing is not an easy task, as several factors can affect the quality of the result: the lack of standardized processes across the branches of an...
What is SkyMinder? An international commercial credit information service as an embedded application, connecting you to all current and future CRIF business information portals. A one-stop...
PHYON is CRIF’s solution for Phygital Onboarding processes, which aims to support companies that want to interact remotely with their existing customers and prospects to perform sales processes...
Sherlock . Optimizing insurance fraud detection and investigation Sherlock is a fraud prevention service which allows insurance companies to manage the identification and fraud prevention stages...


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