CRIF Worldwide

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Taiwan Region Chinese

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Vietnam English



CRIF for Companies 

In order to compete successfully and achieve profitability targets in increasingly complex markets, it is vital to be able to count on complete, up-to-date business information and assessment tools, which make it possible to make decisions quickly and efficiently. CRIF's mission is to supply solutions to these needs.

By transforming these complexities into concrete development opportunities, CRIF offers its partners invaluable strategic and operational support for all phases of credit and marketing management, thanks to a range of integrated information solutions and decision support systems that are unique in the market in terms of technology, know-how and performance.

CRIF platform enables the global market to access commercial risk data and take better business decisions on worldwide companies.
The credit report is a global standard tool used for assessing credit worthiness and associated risk of default, which is frequently used by credit granting institutions in the banking and non-banking sectors
The collection system solves the problem of software for the operational process of the unit working with distressed assets.