CRIF Worldwide

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Taiwan Region Chinese

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Vietnam English



What is SkyMinder?

An international commercial credit information service as an embedded application, connecting you to all current and future CRIF business information portals.

A one-stop international business information solution, helping you make more reliable decisions.

Characteristics of SkyMinder?

A direct access to the best local providers of business reports across the continents

Access to in-depth credit and business information on over 200 million of companies over 230 countries and territories in the world.

Rooted in Europe, the instant data synchronization with data sources ensure the fastest & most comprehensive business information from Europe continent.

CRIF‘s long-standing relationships with the best local information providers, assures the availability of freshly updated & quality info even in challenging regions such as Asia, Mid East, Africa and Latin America.

A unique user experience

A globally consistent interface for various in-depth business Information

A flexible search allows to simply and quickly identify the companies

A tab-structured report layout, allows to surf among the info & smartly identify the most relevant facts

Same cross-country content structure, no more headache for various report formats

Our service approach

Not a repository of standard information but a service to facilitate decisions.

In a global connected world, NOT possible to sacrifice knowledge for standards. Hence, The maximum of collected data with local characteristics will be kept, to avoid filtering out useful information due to inflexible report structure.

Embedding info into your own intelligence architecture by exchange of system data, to enable seamless daily operation and CRIF data connection.