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1. General provisions
This Processing of personal data policy is drawn up as required by law of the Republic of Uzbekistan N547 “On Personal Data” as of 02/07/2019 and it prescribes the procedure of the processing of personal data and security measures for personal data of LLC  “CRIF Kredit-axborot xizmatlari”  (hereafter – Operator).
1.1. The Operator sets its important aim and condition for carrying out its activities to respect human and citizen rights and freedoms during processing of his/her personal data, including the protection of rights to personal and family privacy
1.2. This Processing of personal data policy of the Operator (hereafter – Policy) applies to all the information that the Operator may get on website visitors
2. Basic definitions used in the Policy
2.1. Automatic processing of personal data is the processing of personal data by means of computer technology;
2.2. Blocking of personal data is the temporary interruption of the processing of personal data (except when the processing is necessary for rectification of personal data);
2.3. Website is the collection of graphic and information materials, as well as programs for electronic computing machine and databases that ensure their availability on the Internet by web address;
2.4. Personal data information system is the collection of personal data contained within databases and providing their processing of information technologies and technical means (providing their processing by information technologies and technical facilities;
2.5. Depersonalization of personal data – actions as the result of which is impossible to define without using the additional information the belonging of personal data to specified User or another personal data subject;
2.6. Processing of personal data is any action (operation) or combination of actions (operations) taken by using the automation devices or without using of such devices with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), retrieve, use, transmit (distribute, share, access), depersonalization, block, delete, destruction of personal data;
2.7. The Operator is the government body, municipal authority, entity or person who independently or jointly with other persons organize and(or) realize the processing of personal data as well as define aims of processing personal data, scope of personal data that shall be processing, actions(operations) that accomplished with personal data;
2.8. Personal data is any information relating directly or indirectly to a specific or being defined User of the website;
2.9. The User is any website visitor of;
2.10. Providing personal data – actions that aimed at disclosure of personal data to a certain person or certain group of persons;
2.11. Distribution of personal data – any actions that aimed at disclosure of personal data to indefinite range of persons (personal data transfers) or on familiarization with personal data of the unlimited range of persons including the promulgation of the personal data in mass media, posting in information and telecommunications networks or granting access to personal data in any other way;
2.12. Destruction of personal data – actions as the result of which the personal data are irrevocably annihilated with the inability to further restore the content of personal data in the information system of personal data and (or) as a result of which the material media bearing the personal data are destroyed
3. The Operator may process the following personal data of the User
3.1. Surname, name, patronymic;
3.2. Date of birth;
3.3. Activity status;
3.4. Family status;
3.5. Number of family members;
3.6. E-mail address;
3.7. Telephone numbers;
3.8. Also, the site collects and processes anonymous data about visitors (including “cookie”) using Internet statistics services (Yandex Metric and Google Analytics and others).
3.9. The above mentioned data are united by general concept Personal data hereafter in the text of Policy
4. Purposes of personal data processing
4.1. Purpose of the User’s personal data processing is the informing the User by sending SMS and push notifications; giving to the User access to the services, information and/or materials contained on the website; feedback on the basis of the application.
4.2. Also, the Operator has the right to notify the User of new products and services, special offers and various events. The user can always refuse the delivery of information messages by sending a message to the company through any official communication channels marked “Waiver of notice on the new products and services, and special offers”.
4.3. Depersonalized User data collected through Internet statistics services are used to collect information about the Users ‘ actions on the site, improve the quality of the site and its content
5. Legal reasons for processing personal data
5.1. The Operator processes personal data of the User only in case of their filling and / or sending by the User independently through special questionnaires/forms located on the website By filling out the relevant questionnaires/forms and / or sending his/her personal data to the Operator, the User signifies his agreement with this Policy.
5.2. The Operator processes depersonalized data about the User if it is allowed in the User’s browser settings (the “cookie” file saving and JavaScript technology using are enabled).
6. The procedure for collection, storage, transfer and other types of processing of personal data
The Security of personal data that are processed by the Operator ensured by the realization of legal, organizational and technical measures necessary to fully comply with the requirements of the current legislation in the field of personal data protection.
6.1. The Operator ensures the safety of personal data and takes all possible measures that exclude access to personal data of unauthorized persons.
6.2. The User’s personal data will never, under any circumstances, be transferred to third parties, except in cases related to the execution of the current legislation.
6.3. In the event of any inaccuracies in personal data, the User may actualize them independently, by sending a notification to the Operator through any official communication channels marked “Actualization of personal data”.
6.4. The period of processing of personal data is unlimited. The User may withdraw his/her consent to the processing of personal data at any time by notifying the Operator through any official communication channels marked “Withdrawal of consent on the processing of personal data”.
7. Exit provisions
7.1. The User may receive any clarification on issues of interest relating to the processing of his/her personal data by contacting the Operator through any official communication channels.
7.2. This document will be reflected any changes of personal data processing policy by the Operator. The policy remains in force without limit of time until replaced by a new version.
LLC “Crif axborot xizmatlari”
Registered office address:  12 Shota Rustaveli street,
Tashkent city, 100070