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Insurance Companies 

CRIF has been providing the insurance industry with added-value solutions and information services to support decision-making and prevent fraud for over 20 years. During this time CRIF has been working alongside insurers in every phase of the customer relationship to improve performance, support competitive advantage and mitigate risks.

CRIF provides a range of services to the insurance industry which help in the management of broker acquisition, ongoing monitoring, and the overall process of general and life insurance for both SMEs and personal insurance lines. This includes pensions, life insurance and general insurance such as motor, home, personal injury, health, marine, travel and pet insurance. The concept of sharing information to combat fraud and reduce insurers’ operational costs has gained more and more importance. The level of sophistication of the systems depends on the country, the level of data shared by insurers, the legislative framework, and access to supplementary external data.

In order to support insurance companies in their objective of operating a profitable business and improving knowledge of their customers, CRIF provides tools for more accurate profitability assessment and anti-fraud management at the key stages of the process: quotation, underwriting, claims handling and fraud investigation.

Optimizing insurance fraud detection and investigation Sherlock is a fraud prevention service which allows insurance companies to manage the identification and fraud prevention stages faster and more efficiently.