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The collection system "Contact" solves the problem of software for the operational process of the unit working with distressed assets.

The system is designed to optimize the work of the company's divisions.
The scalable architecture makes it easy to expand the number of workplaces and the number of concurrent users.
Built-in back-office enables workflow and prioritization
User access to the system is determined at the role level, and any active actions of operators in the system are recorded in the log.
The built-in reporting system allows you to generate management reports and exercise control over the work of system users.
The product "Contact collection system" was initially focused on the collection business.

Contact in details
Administration of system users:

Creation of roles in accordance with the business functions of system users
Assigning access rights to the created roles based on data processing policies
Creating a user profile with assignment of one of the roles
Ability to associate a system user with MS Active Directory
Directory administration:
•    Debt reasons
•    Loan products
•    Debt statuses, etc.

Enterprise structure administration:
Creation of divisions (branches, departments, divisions)
Establishing manager-subordinate relationships
Administration of working hours:
Creation of arbitrary work schedules (2/2 from 7 to 19, 5/2 from 9 to 18, etc.)
Assigning a work schedule to specific users

Soft, Hard and Legal collection modules
Soft collection module
The Soft module is a workstation for an operator of a call center, which allows operator to conduct outgoing calls and process incoming calls with maximum efficiency.
The Soft module implemented in the Contact system was developed taking into account the requirements:
•    Minimizing the time to process one debt
•    Minimizing the costs of training / retraining personnel
•    Operator work is concentrated in one active window
•    Friendly and intuitive interface for system operators
•    Graphical interface of the contact registration (decision tree)
•    The system allows to use the software module in various approaches to portfolio processing:
•    Unambiguous connection between the debtor and the operator
•    Priority debt handling without linkages
•    Establishing operator-debtor links upon promises of payment
•    In the presence of integration, debtors are processed using automatic dialing tools.

Hard collection module
The Hard module is a workplace for field team employees and allows to organize planning the visits to debtors and the accounting of results with maximum efficiency.

The Hard module implemented in the "Contact" system was developed taking into account the requirements:
•    Assignment of the territory where debtors are located to a group of employees
•    Automatic distribution of new debts by groups of employees
•    Friendly and intuitive interface for system operators
•    Minimization of transportation costs
•    Minimizing the costs of training / retraining personnel
•    Work of employees is concentrated in one active window
•    Graphical interface for registration of exit results (decision tree)
•    An important tool of the module is the segmentation of debts by geography (regions, cities, city districts, etc.)

Generation of tasks for field teams and registration of results is available using mobile devices (the employee does not need a workplace)
Legal Collection module

Module Legal is a workplace for employees of the legal department, allows employees to process credit cases in the judicial and enforcement proceedings.
Judicial work:

•    Allocation of cases to legal advisers
•    Handling of cases at the stage of court and claim proceedings
•    Calculation of the state duty according to the Tax Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan
•    Structured form of data storage (information about the case, complaints and statements, court decisions ...)
•    Regulation and monitoring of business stages (statuses)
•    Monitoring compliance with deadlines and tracking results
•    Automatic generation of documents (statement on the approval of the settlement agreement, statement on the involvement of third parties
•    Execution proceedings:
•    Allocation of cases to legal advisers
•    Conducting a case on enforcement proceedings
•    Structured form of data storage (case information, identified property, measures taken, payments ...)
•    Organization and accounting of interaction with State authorities (traffic police, PF, BTI, TsFSB ...)
•    Regulation and monitoring of business stages (statuses)
•    Monitoring compliance with deadlines and tracking results
•    Automatic generation of documents according to specified templates (statement of acceptance for execution, complaint about the action / inaction of a bailiff ...)

Reporting system
There are several reporting units in the "Contact" system:
1.    Operational - designed for online monitoring of indicators
•    Percentage of contact calls by hour
•    Processing status of the company at the moment
•    Results of daily work broken down by operator

2.    Analytical - contain the maximum amount of atomic data, are used to build one-time custom reports
•    All personal and financial data broken down by debt
•    Payments by client, by period
•    Detailing of activities by departments

3.     Aggregated - contain complex conditions for selecting and grouping data

•    KPIs of company divisions
•    Portfolio statistics for the year
•    Percentage of implementation of the travel group plan, by geographic area

4.    External - used to automate work with counterparties

•    Progress report for the Client
•    Calculation of the agency commission at arbitrary rates
•    Calculation of employee remuneration using an arbitrary algorithm
•    Back-office
•    A block of functions that automates the processes of receiving, checking, cleaning and converting to a single format data containing information about Clients and Partners of the Customer, and subsequent import into the Contact system.

The main directions are:
•    Import of new data (new debts)
•    Updating data in the system (financial and personal data)
•    Bulk adjustment of statuses and conditions (revocation, prolongation, restructuring, collection stage)

Outbound informing
Outbound informing module is intended for:
•    Mass generation of correspondence (letters, SMS, E-mail)
•    Shipping information downloads (shipped, delivered, returned, etc.)
•    Viewing sent mail

The following functionality is used for implementation:
•    Formation of regular letters (dynamic templates)
•    Formation of registered letters (dynamic templates, barcode generation)
•    Formation of the mail register (for Uzbek post)
•    Accounting for correspondence statuses (generated, sent, etc.)
•    Formation and sending of SMS (single, bulk)
•    Bringing telephone numbers to international format
•    Downloading Mailing Results Information (IR Scanner)
•    Loading information about the results of SMS distribution
•    Bank details (in the body of the letter or receipt on the back)
•    Letter constructor (creating custom letter templates)

Integration opportunities
The product "Collection system Contact "has wide integration capabilities, among which the completed projects can be distinguished:
•    Data validation (Company HF Labs)
•    Automatic dialing systems (Genesys, AVAYA, Infratel, Infinity, Oktell, Call-O-Call and others)
•    Integration with banking ABS
•    Call recording systems
•    Bulk and single distribution of SMS notifications
•    Bulk mailing (email notifications)
•    Use of mobile devices (Android)