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EUR 350 million in investments planned over 3 years, with particular focus on FinTech, Open Finance, and new global acquisitions 
Bologna (Italy), September 14, 2021 - CRIF - a global company specializing in credit and business information systems as well as advanced digital solutions for business development and open banking - is in 53rd place in the IDC FinTech Rankings 2021. 

For the ninth consecutive year, CRIF is one of the top 100 FinTech companies on a global level. 
Now in its 18th edition, IDC FinTech is the annual ranking that includes the main international financial technology providers based on turnover deriving from their financial institution clients and in relation to hardware, software, and services. These companies provide the technological backbone to the financial services sector, a sector where, according to IDC Financial Insights, global IT expenditure will exceed 590 billion dollars by 2025. 

“Despite the pandemic, CRIF has continued on its development path and confirmed its international growth and investment plans, further accelerating the expansion of its range of innovative FinTech solutions. In this regard, the considerable investments made over the years both to develop advanced digital and open banking solutions and to diversify activities on a global level are enabling us to grow, even at a time severely affected by the health and economic emergency,” commented Carlo Gherardi, CEO of CRIF. “The fact that IDC Financial Insights has once again included CRIF in its prestigious ranking of the main global FinTech operators for the ninth year running not only makes us proud, but also provides an important endorsement of our ongoing commitment to serving the financial industry through a data-driven approach, state-of-the-art technology, and a strong propensity for innovation.” 
Business development in technology solutions serving financial institutions has significantly contributed to the growth of CRIF’s global revenues, which even in such a difficult year as 2020 saw consolidated revenues grow to EUR 567 million compared to EUR 557 million in 2019, while EBITDA amounted to EUR 126 million compared to EUR 108 million in the previous year.

Overall, the substantial investments made over time to diversify activities both on a geographical level, with a direct presence that currently extends to around 40 countries across 4 continents, and in the development of highly innovative services, able to improve the customer experience and achieve operational excellence, have guaranteed CRIF considerable resilience, even in this period characterized by the health and economic emergency.
In line with its global positioning, the CRIF industrial plan for the three-year period 2021-2023 involves global investments totaling EUR 350 million, which are in addition to the EUR 119 million in 2020, already up on the EUR 90 million a year earlier. Added to this is the CRIF Digital suite, an innovative solution that allows credit institutions, as well as insurance companies, telcos, utilities, and businesses, to seize all the opportunities generated by Open Banking through an open and collaborative technology platform, data layer, and advanced analytics. 
“IDC is honored to recognize the technology providers that make up the 18th edition of the FinTech Rankings,” concluded Marc DeCastro, Research Director at IDC Financial Insights. “These are the companies that have demonstrated their commitment to financial institutions, and their inclusion in the ranking is testimony to this dedication.” 

About CRIF 

CRIF is a global company specializing in credit & business information systems, analytics, outsourcing and processing services, as well as advanced digital solutions for business development and open banking. The mission that drives CRIF is to create value and new opportunities for consumers and businesses by providing reliable information and solutions, allowing more powerful decisions and accelerating digital innovation. We work responsibly to offer innovative and compliant solutions to support our customers and improve access to credit, enabling digital inclusion and the use of financial services by excluded and underserved people.

CRIF is currently the leading group in continental Europe in the field of banking credit information and one of the main operators on a global level in the field of integrated services for business & commercial information and credit & marketing management. CRIF supports banks and financial institutions, insurance, telco & media, and energy & utility companies, as well as businesses and consumers in over 50 countries, thanks to continuous innovation, the use of the most advanced technologies, and a sound Information Management culture. Furthermore, within the context of end-to-end solutions, CRIF has developed a line of services for consumers and SMEs dedicated to financial well-being and to fraud and cyber risk prevention and protection. In addition, CRIF Ratings provides opinions on non-financial companies based in the EU in its role as an ESMA-approved credit rating agency and recognized ECAI.

Over 10,500 banks and financial institutions, more than 1,000 insurance consumers, 80,000 companies and 1,000,000 consumers currently use CRIF services in 4 continents. In addition, CRIF is included in the prestigious IDC FinTech Rankings Top 100, the classification of the top providers of global technology solutions for the financial services industry, and in 2019 it expanded its coverage as an AISP to 31 European countries where the PSD2 directive for open banking is applicable. 

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About IDC Financial Insights 

IDC Financial Insights assists financial service businesses and IT leaders, as well as the suppliers who serve them, in making more effective technology decisions by providing accurate, timely, and insightful fact-based research and consulting services. Staffed by senior analysts with decades of industry experience, our global research analyzes and advises on business and technology issues facing the banking, insurance, and securities and investments industries. International Data Corporation (IDC) is the premier global provider of market intelligence, advisory services, and events for the information technology market. IDC is a subsidiary of IDG, the world’s leading technology, media, research, and events company. 
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